Continuing use of our site means you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions

How We Use Cookies

In order for our trip tools to work, and to provide the best experience for our site users, we place and access cookies on a visitor's browser.

Most browsers provide controls for users to block or delete cookies.

We use "Strictly Necessary" cookies so that the website will function for you, such as saving attractions, trip tools, and account login/logout. We use "Performance Cookies"" to help us improve the site and troubleshoot problems. We use "Tracking Cookies"" for Advertising, Affiliate Links, and Embedded Videos.

Roadside America Trip Tools

Cookies enable you to mark and save attractions to display in your maps and lists on our website. Roadside America's My Sights and Trip Planner tools won't work if you disable cookies. At any time you can delete your browser cookies and that data (Note: If you mail a trip to someone, My Sights creates a file on our server with the trip name and list of places. Only you have this trip data URL, though you can share it with others.). For users with Roadside America accounts, we may use cookies to help you navigate, and to save attractions, trips, and other information you choose.


Ads help us to provide at no cost to you. We partner with third party ad services such as Google Adsense to show ads to our visitors. Ad services may use cookies for purposes such as to stop you from seeing the same ad over and over, to detect and stop click fraud, and to show ads that are likely to be more relevant (such as ads based on websites you visited). Google provides controls so that you can choose to see personalized or non-personalized ads. Find out more about Google ads.

Affiliate Links

We also fund by providing links to a small number of trusted travel services partners, such as hotel information suppliers. Affiliate cookies help us connect you with the right info, display reservation options to you, and to tell us whether interest or a completed service started with the referral from our site.

Embedded Videos embeds videos in some of our pages that are hosted on third party websites, such as Google YouTube. YouTube places cookies on your browser if you choose to play the video. Learn more about cookie types used by Google.

Performance Cookies: Website Analytics

We use aggregated information about our site traffic to investigate and fix site issues, and to improve the user experience. We use services such as Google Analytics to understand how visitors engage with our site. If you don’t want Analytics to be used in your browser, you can install the Google Analytics browser add-on.

Learn more about Google Analytics and privacy.

Note:'s Cookie Consent cookies are in effect on the browser and device where they are saved. We don't track your consent across devices or between browsers, so you may see this information presented for each initial use of our web site. Privacy PolicyTerms and Conditions

Effective Date: January 15, 2021